
Με το ολόφρεσκο αυτό Tearaway Story Trailer έχετε τη δυνατότητα να δείτε άλλον έναν λόγο για να τσιμπήσει ο μικρός PS Vita για τις γιορτές…

tearaway 00

The PlayStation.Blog team came to visit us at Mm towers recently to make a series of videos about our studio, and our latest game, Tearaway. This is the first video, which features Rex, Kenny (And me!) talking about Tearaway’s world, story, and music.

What we don’t talk about in the video enough are these guys, iota and atoi, the messengers. Tearaway differs from other games, in that you play alongside the main character, not as them.

You first meet iota or atoi at the start of our journey, when a strange message is sent to you from a papery dimension. Before you can read it, it falls back down into the papery world it came from, and comes to life. Some villainous Scraps immediately try to stir up some trouble, but you sweep in and save the day using your giant fleshy fingers to squash them. Glancing skywards at your face peeping through a hole in the sun, your messenger sees it was you that saved them, and from this moment forth the bond between you both will grow stronger and stronger.

Hope you enjoy this video, look out for more of them over the coming weeks, and don’t forget you can pre-order Tearaway now before it launches on November 22nd!
