Επιτέλους έχουν αναφωνήσει πολλοί από τους φαν του F-4E Phantom! H σχεδιάστρια Heatblur Simulations μόλις αποκάλυψε τον εξομοιωτής σε DSC (Digital Combat Simulator) του F-4E! Με απίστευτες λεπτομέρειές όπως φαίνεται από…

…το ολόφρεσκο βίντεο που μόλις έσκασε! Με τύπους όπως το F-4F της Luftwaffe, τα ιαπωνικά F-4EJ αλλά και τα ισραηλινά F-4E Kurnass 2000 όπως και τα βρετανικά Phantom, πέρα από το ελληνικό!

Και έπονται και άλλα!

“In their post, the Heatblur Simulations team stated that they are in the “last miles” of the development process and are working tirelessly to get the aircraft ready for release as soon as possible. While the aircraft’s development has been a lengthy process, the team is ensuring that their F-4E will be the most accurate and system-rich depiction of the aircraft. Currently, the team is focused on the finishing touches of the more complex systems, like Jester 2.0, and ensuring the aircraft performs as expected on launch day.

Besides the F-4E, the team has said they will provide upcoming information about the release of the F-14 for MSFS and updates for the DCS: F-14, Viggen, and other products that are expected to release this year. For now, the team is focused on providing tangible results before sharing this new information.”